Ignite Your Life
- Do you feel fear, guild, embarrassment or shame, without really knowing why?
- Do you find yourself in a state of panic, you feel sick in your stomach, you question everything -even your own life?
- Do you feel paralyzed, stuck, incapable to get into action, even if you know very well what you should be doing?
- Or you get into manic action, splurging, and over indulging sprees that devastate your bank account, and leave you feeling empty and lonely.
Those, and many more, are all symptoms of unbalanced lower chakras.
Your chakras are your energetic centers. You might be familiar with the "third eye", or the "crown chakra" - they are your highest chakras. They represent intuition and your relationship to the divine, or your highest consciousness. But did you know that your chakras build on each other, starting with the Root/Body chakra?
Safety, physical presence, energy, excitement, enthusiasm, manifesting your dreams, inspired action, unstoppable determination... it all comes from a strong and balanced foundation grounded in your lower body - exactly where your lower chakras dwell.
Quite simply, to find your power, you must balanced your lower energetic centers.
And this is what we do in this powerful and life changing program:
Unleash the Power of Your Lower ChakrasLiberate Yourself from Hidden Blocks & Transform Your Life4 Month/4-Phase Transformational Coaching Package
This is a comprehensive 4 month program where you’ll be guided, step-by-step, in uncovering and then letting go of the 12 major aspects of your lower chakras programming that keep you stuck in unquestioned truth about yourself, your worth, your abilities and your life.
As you explore and rebalance your chakras, you clear the roots to your deepest blocks to have, be and do, and you bring out more of your natural confidence, personal power, and enthusiastic action...
...and that changes EVERYTHING!
This is about you feeling FREE to be the most powerful, on-fire version of yourself to earn MORE and create wealth without limits.
Package includes:
Step 1: Presence and Power in the First Chakra
As we come to the world, we’re born in a first chakra physical form. It will continue to develop for the next 12 months through physical growth, motor development and bonding. Trust, nourishment, safety and the right to be there are all needs and issues from the first chakra.
With a strong first chakra, you have a powerful presence and you can easily manifest and magnetize physical resources, opportunities, and wealth.
Step 2: On Fire, Passion and Empowerment in the Second Chakra
As you move into the second chakra work, you start to deal with our deepest needs, wants, and vulnerability. you also learn how anger and rage are connected to the ability to own your personal power.
The second chakra appears as soon as you can sit and look around – from age 6 months to 2 years. The task of the second chakra is to explore the world through the senses and locomotion, and to separate from the symbiotic fusion of the first year. Its needs and issues are separation vs. attachment, safety and support to explore, emotional security, a stimulating environment and self-gratification.
The second chakra is where personal power, money, and sexuality all connect energetically.
- Process 4: Refusal / denial / rejection of the deepest needs and second chakra shadow
- Process 5: The power / rage Spectrum
- Process 6: Sexual / raw life-force energy of money, passion and creativity.
Step 3: Enthusiasm, Action & the Miracle Flow in the Third Chakra
The third chakra is your seat of self - esteem, identity, action, enthusiasm, and total respect and reverence for your self as a true and sacred miracle.
The third chakra grows between the age of 18 months to 4 years, and its task is to develop autonomy, language, impulse control, holding and letting go (toilet training), and self definition. The needs and issues of the third chakra are appropriate discipline, support of autonomy, confidence and encouragement, and play.
As we move into the third chakra work, we revisit how anger rise from second to third chakra and allows us to set a boundary, self advocate and truly start honoring our deepest needs.
This is where we take action, access our charisma, boldly and enthusiastically declare our value.
- Process 7: Shadow third chakra, honoring the sacred self
- Process 8: Vow to be invisible / Shadow of the third chakra
- Process 9: Third chakra: being the miracle – taking action
Step 4: Fearless Loving and Undefended Heart in the Fourth Chakra
Your fourth chakra is your seat of wisdom, universal love and ability to see the divine in yourself and in everyone else.
It grows between the age of 4 and 7 years, around the formation of social identity and gender roles, the development of altruism, and the formation of peer relationships. Its needs and issues center on initiative vs. guilt, love vs. rejection, social acceptance, and self-acceptance.
As we step into the heart chakra we heal and clear real trauma around being wounded as a child, and we open up to experience ourselves, everything and everyone as they truly are – beautiful, perfect, and infinitely lovable.
- Process 10: Level 2 forgiveness – The unforgivable wound
- Process 11: Level 3 forgiveness – Healing the unforgivable mistake
- Process 12: Level 3 forgiveness – Healing the unforgivable shadow side
- Quick start first session to get clear on your goals (1 hour)
- 1 Bonus Post Program Follow up session to support you as you step up to new places
- 4 mp3 recordings of chakras meditations - one for each chakra.
Total Package Value: $3997
Your Investment: $3497 Pay in Full
Easy-Pay: 4 monthly payments of $961
I want to know more about this program!
CLICK HERE to Schedule Your Free 60 minutes Clarity Session NOW!
Let Me Take You on a Journey…. I would be honored to do this work with you! I will bring my very best to every session - all of my experience, training, intuition, and highest intention for your total success. If this is speaking to you...and your programming has already cost you TOO MUCH, then I invite you to do this work me and start on the path to being your most powerful self! |